

Diddy (Brian Otwaska)

Started taking drum lessons at age 7 and joined school bands in junior and senior high school. After high school I played in a few working bands from the mid ‘80’s until the early ‘90’s. When I’m not behind a drum kit, I’m a machinist/foreman at a small machine shop in Kenosha, for the past 38 years. Life long Racine Wisconsin resident, and diehard Dallas Cowboys and Milwaukee Brewer fan. I enjoy traveling with my wife Misty and our adult sons, Dallas and Cody.

  • Favorite artists: Rush, Cheap Trick, Frank Zappa, and The Eagles

  • Least Favorite artists: Kiss, Jimmy Buffet, and Meatloaf

  • Favorite TV shows: Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, Soprano’s, Young Sheldon

  • Favorite Movies: Star Wars, Dirty Harry, and Young Frankenstein

  • Favorite drink: Tito’s and diet, or Captain Morgan and Coke.

  • Favorite song to play live: Hotel California or Summer of 89